Advanced Defensive Tactics

Integrating Simulation and Machine Learning in Aerial Warfare


  • Mario Viscardi Filho Força Aérea Brasileira
  • João Dantas Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv)
  • Diego Geraldo Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv)
  • Angelo Pássaro Institute of Advanced Studies (IEAv)



Threat reaction, Passive and semi-active missiles, Computer simulation, Optimization


The study developed and evaluated the winding maneuver, a new defensive maneuver against threats, threat reaction, aimed at improving aircraft penetration into hostile territories against passive and semi-active surface-to-air missiles. The maneuver, based on navigation principles and evasive maneuvers, was simulated using the Aerospace Simulation Environment (ASA) software in combat scenarios. Data analysis involved experimental design, statistical testing, application of machine learning models, and optimization through metaheuristics. The results indicated that the winding maneuver significantly improves aircraft survival rates and mission success, as demonstrated by the Victory Capability Determinant (VCD) metric developed in the study. The optimized configuration of the maneuver, obtained using the Genetic Algorithm, was verified through new simulations, confirming its operational effectiveness.


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How to Cite

M. Viscardi Filho, J. Dantas, D. Geraldo, and A. Pássaro, “Advanced Defensive Tactics: Integrating Simulation and Machine Learning in Aerial Warfare”, Spectrum, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 12–17, Oct. 2024.

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