Optimizing Airlift Operations for Military Outposts
A Heuristic Approach to Enhancing Efficiency in Supplying Amazonian Border Platoons
Operations Research, Optimization, Packaging Problems, Exact and Heuristic ModelAbstract
To maintain Brazil's sovereignty in the Amazon, the Brazilian Army operates Special Border Platoons (PEF) in remote locations, with basic supplies primarily delivered by air, supported by the Brazilian Air Force. Utilizing concepts from the Packing Problems in Operational Research, this study presents a proposal to increase the efficiency of support operations for the PEFs through a mathematical model for aircraft loading during missions. The proposed model demonstrated a significant reduction in the number of required trips, optimizing cargo distribution and operational time. The study highlights the efficiency achieved through the application of an exact optimization model and a high-performance hybrid algorithm, in a case study applied to the PEFs in Surucucu and Auaris, contributing to the reduction of operational costs.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mario Viscardi Filho, Sergio Rebouças, Angelo Pássaro
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