Modeling the Logistics Chain of Aeronautical Components Replacement in the context of System Dynamics
System Dynamics, Logistics Chain, Aeronautics ComponentsAbstract
Since the 1960s, the methodology known as System Dynamics (System Dynamics - SD) has been highlighted as a tool to analyze the dynamics of production and logistics systems. Through various types of diagrams (causal, stock and flow) it is possible to graphically express a system, making it possible to represent a dynamic complexity of the relations between the parts over time. This involves from a structural analysis to the definition of decision-making policies in a given productive environment. The present work presents results related to the support to the decision making of a generic chain of formation of aeronautical components MRO, having as objective the improvement in the planning through the simulation of the dynamic behavior
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Copyright (c) 2021 Samuel Bloch Silva, Marcelo Dias Ferreira, Mischel Carmen Neyra Belderrain, Anderson Ribeiro Correia
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