An Approach to FM LPI Radar Detection


  • Rafael Serra Figueirêdo Navy Research Institute
  • Sergio Rodrigues Neves Navy Research Institute
  • Aline de Oliveira Ferreira Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha (IPqM)
  • Luiz Eugênio de Andrade Segadilha Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha (IPqM)
  • Fátima Elisa Soares Monteiro Mainieri Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha (IPqM)



LPI Radar, Detection, Time- frequency Transforms, Wavelet Packets


FM (Frequency Modulated) LPI (Low Probability of Intercept) radars, unlike conventional radars, transmit a long-duration or continuous signal, with low power, using causal modulation. These characteristics of the LPI radar make it virtually invisible to conventional RWR (Radar Warning Receivers) and MAGE (Electronic Warfare Support Measures) receivers. Many studies in the field of Electronic Warfare (EW) are being developed in order to deal with this advantage of the LPI radar. A promising approach is the use of MAGE equipment with Time-Frequency Transform methods to find causality in the noise spectrum. This article applies the Wavelet Packets Transform (WPT) to the problem of electromagnetic spectrum characterization, aiming at the development of a methodology for automatic classification. The time-frequency characterization of FM LPI radar signals obtained through the WPT is compared to that obtained through the Choi-Williams Distribution (Choi-Williams Distribution - CWD) and the Short-Time Fourier Transform - STFT.


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How to Cite

R. S. . Figueirêdo, S. R. . Neves, A. de O. . Ferreira, L. E. de A. . Segadilha, and F. E. S. M. Mainieri, “An Approach to FM LPI Radar Detection”, Spectrum, vol. 23, no. 1, Aug. 2022.