Evaluation method applied to the dynamic configuration of airspace control sectors
Simulation, Airspace management, Dynamic airspace configuration, Markov-switching vector autoregressionAbstract
Among the initiatives for the modernization of airspace control, Dynamic Airspace Configuration – DAC is a new paradigm for aviation, in which control sectors geometry are managed to adapt to the changing demand. This paper presents the AirCEM method (Airspace Complexity Evaluation), which proposes a metric of assessing, based on a Markov state model, which provides a dynamic visualization of the new configuration effects at the critical periods of workload within a given period. The methodology provides a metric that helps on the decision of separating/combining control sectors, considering airspace complexity factors and controller workload.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fabio Nascimento, Paulo Costa, Denise Ferrari, Alexandre Barreto
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