Comparison between the design criteria for wind load and blast effect – case of high voltage towers
Energetic materials, Steel frame, Dynamic loadAbstract
Structures behavior under dynamic load have been important design criteria to ensure buildings security. Wind load and blast effect have been responsible to generate some structures collapses in the last years, due to forces of nature or belligerent actions. Comparing the statements of technical standards relating to wild load to predicted blast effects it was possible to notice that blast load were higher than wild load. Results pointed out the need to take in account blast loads during the initial design of the structures. Mainly for buildings with high strategic value for the state during a conflict, like high voltage steel frame towers. Blast field test were recommended in the end of this work, since the results presented were purely theoretical.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fausto Batista Mendonça, Girum Solomon Urgessa, Koshun Iha, José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco

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